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Re: Win NT ENV var

There is a product called NetOwl, that is a search engine which works on NT, 
created by a company called SRA International, and spun off into a separate 
company on 1 July. You can get info on the SRA website. (Not an endorsement, 
just info)

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Win NT ENV var
Author:  Jay Quadri <jay@cnmags.condenast.co.uk> at smtp
Date:    7/3/96 9:25 PM

Can you help, I called the script below in a unix server, it works perfectly.  
Hoewever, when I do the same on NT 3.51 runing MS Internet server I dont get any
result instead I get a 
downloaded  sript on my browser, from the dos promt doing perl.exe scriptfile.pl
produces the string ('The 
server software is:'....) and not the values.
I have already done the neccassary thing like associating pl with perl.exe in 
the registory.  
There some thingelse I need to do inorder to get the environmental variables?
PS. Do you know of a working search engine for windows NT 3.51, I am using MS 
Internet server.  
If you don't I will have to write one. I already know about ews.
Please mail me directly at jay@cnmags.condenast.co.uk
require 'c:/inetsrv/scripts/perlnt/perl5/Lib/find.pl';
unshift(@INC, 'C:/Inetsrv/scripts/perlnt/perl5/Lib');
%list = ('SERVER_SOFTWARE', 'The server software is:',
'SERVER_NAME',              'The server hostname, DNS alias, or IP address is:',
'GATEWAY_INTERFACE',   'The CGI spec revision is',
'SERVER_PROTOCOL',     'The Name and revision of info protocol is', 
'DOCUMENT_ROOT',   'The document  root directory is:', 
'QUERY_STRING',  'THE query string is (form get):',
'REMOTE_HOST',  'The hostname making the request is', 
'REMOTE_ADDR',  'THE IP Address of the remote user is:', 
'AUTH_TYPE',    'The authentication user method is', 
'REMOTE_USER',   'the authentication user is', 
'REMOTE_IDENT',    'The remote user is (RFC 931)',
'CONTENT_TYPE',   'The content type of the data is (POST PUT):', 
'CONTENT_LENGHT',   'The the lenght of the Content is','HTTP_ACCEPT',   'The 
MIME type that the client will 
accept are',
'HTTP_USER_AGENT',   'The browser of the client is',
'HTTP_REFERER',   'The URL of the referer is:',$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'},  'The script
name is');print "Content-type: 
text/html";print "\n\n";print "<html>", "\n"; 
print "<head><title>Sleepmeter Results</Title>"; 
print "</head><body>";
print "<h3>Results:</h3>";
print "CGI";while (($env_var, $info) = each %list)  {print $info, "<B>", 
$ENV{$env_var}, "</B>", "<P>", "\n";} 
   print "\n\n";
print "</body></html>";
exit (0);print (@INC);
******************* Regards ****************************************
      o""o"" ""oo'              Email: jay@smartnet.co.uk
      $  $"o       "o'          Phone: +44 0171 401 2879/2068
     o$ $   "oo        "o'      Fax  : +44 0171 401 2068
      $  $     "$oo      "o     http://www.sbu.ac.uk/~pronet
      "o  "oo  o"  "o  http://www.sbu.ac.uk/~pronet/lord/.jq/club1.htm
        $    ""      "o      "o      News:sbu.pronet
      o""              "o  http://www.worldserver.pipex.com/art96
     "$"                o" "o     $'
       "o                $ "o o  o"'    Irony is the only God Worth
         $              "o      "o"'            worshiping.
     oo""                 ""oo""'